The ReMembering and ReEnchanting Podcast


Conversations with amazing people connecting what is all too often disconnected

In this episode, spiritual activist, singing healer, and interfaith minister Reverend Rhetta Morgan shares music, poetry, and conversation with Reverend Sara Jolena Wolcott . On the even of the winter solstice, we enter the dark, meandering in its many meanings.

Some key points:

1:39 - Introduction of Rev Rhetta Morgan

2:20 - Sara and Rhetta recite and sing Rilke’s poem on darkness; they let themselves wonder and wander around Rilke's insights.

11:55 - Rhetta’ shares some of her work and insights about the Dark

14:50 - The (false?) dichotomy between the light and the dark 

23:00 - What have we projected onto the dark? Colonization and racial injustice 

31:50 - The testimony to the multiplicity and the wonder that is possible in the dark.

53:40 -  How do we engage with darkness differently? Practices 

58:09 - We acknowledge the power of Circular Time Calendars for helping us engage more deeply with darkness

Music Title: Both of Us

Music by: madiRFAN

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Rev Rhetta's bio

Rhetta Morgan - Sequoia Samanvaya | Sara Jolena Wolcott  | The ReMembering and ReEnchanting Podcast

Reverend Rhetta Morgan is a singing healer, spiritual activist, and interfaith minister who has been gathering tools for healing and inspiration for over 40 years. Through her gifts of prayer, poetry, facilitation, and sermonizing she cultivates hope and nurtures connection in her community as a pathway back to belonging and wholeness. As a facilitator and coach, Rhetta is known for her ability to support others to be bold, heal their self-limiting beliefs, and integrate their internal healing with their social movement work. This support is essential to cultivate the powerful spiritual activism that is needed in these times.

As an active facilitator in the Philadelphia region and beyond, Reverend Rhetta currently works with the Unitarian Universalist National Ministers Association, the Center for Contemporary Mysticism, the People of the Global Majority in the Outdoors, Nature, and Environment and more. She also founded and leads the Ecclesia Spirit Interfaith Community as well as Ritual for Change Makers, an 8-month program for activists seeking to renew their spiritual connection to the transcendent and to land.

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Another episode with Rev. Rhetta Morgan and Midwife Krystina Friedlander

Learn more about Circular Time Course

Follow Rev. Rhetta Morgan

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